Getting Music from the iPod....


Universal Traveler
I love my 10gig iPod, but why couldn't Apple make taking songs off of the iPod as easy as putting them on it? I can do it (with the help of a nice little proggy that shows all hidden files) but why couldn't Apple just allow to take songs off the iPod? How did they expect people to do so? I hope the next iTunes changes this....
This is Apple's way of playing nice with ther record companies. I'm sure the record companies would sue Apple if they manufactured little 5, 10, and 20 GB "pockets" into which people would stuff lots of stolen music for friends.
Personally, I think they could have provided a way to delete songs from the iPod using just the buttons - if that's what you mean by 'take songs off'.

If you mean copy songs FROM the iPod TO a computer, fuhgeddaboudit. The recording industry is getting REALLY serious about this copying stuff, and would raise holy hell if that were possible.

Of course, you can copy any files at all to the iPod in hard drive mode, and then copy them back off to another Mac --- but the iPod cannot play audio files stored on it in this way.
The music is in /Volumes/youripod/iPod_Control/Music/ :)
The iPod_Control directory is hidden, so you'll have to use the Terminal.
Well, if you still have Mac OS 10.2.1, you can just search in Finder for *.mp3 and that'll open up the hidden folder. OS 10.2.2 fixed that little "bug", but it's an easy work around...

• CMD-F in the finder to bring up the new find dialog box.
• Select "Add Criteria -> visiblity"
• Set visibility to "All"

Voila, you can search invisible files.
Does the Finder's Go to Folder command work? You could just type in that path and have it opened. If not, go into the directory in the Terminal and do this little trick:

open .
I received a 5GB iPod for Xmas and immediately put 3.5 GB of music on it. My iMac's iTunes library, however, is 6GB+, so I imagine I'll be doing a fair amount of adding and deleting from my iPod.

I am very much a newbie, but it seems to me the way to manage your iPods library is through playlists. Rather than having it copy everything to the iPod (what happens if your iTunes library is larger than your iPod, I wonder?), I'm having the iPod only subscribe to selected playlists. It seems that if a song is on a subscribed playlist, the iPod will download it when plugged in to the host Mac. If you unsubscribe from a playlist, and the song isn't on one of the other subscribed playlists, the song is deleted from the iPod next time it's plugged in (at least that seemed to be the way it behaved when I tested it last night).

That's the plan, for now.