Getting videos on ipod

How do you do this? I have heard that you must spend more money on software that does it, and this is garbage. Why pay even more for somethign that an expensive player should have in the first place? How can i do it for free (converting avi files to whatever the ipod needs)?
The pay software would be QuickTime Pro. It's worth the money, btw., although I agree that an iPod video should come with a QT Pro license...

But if you google or search or for "ipod video", I guess you'll find free stuff, too.
ffmpegx convert virtually eny video/audio file into anything else. it's free.

Handbrake will rip an entire dvd (or just chapters) into either MPEG-4 or H.264 in less than 5 hours, with one click. also free. handbrake is the definitive to convert dvds to your ipod, ffmpegx the way to convert existing movies to your ipod.

and the video ipod is not a video player. it's an ipod that can play videos.
the "less than 5 hours" of course depends on your Mac hardware as well as the length of a movie.
Whatever you do, DO NOT use QuickTime Pro for converting your videos. Why? It's slow, and if you haven't already purchased it, it's expensive, and it only works properly with a handful of formats.

Use iSquint. It's free and works very fast. Converts virtually any video format you have.

For DVDs, use Handbrake. It's free also.

Unfortunately for our Windows-using friends, there aren't many good programs out for them (ahh, the advantages of a Unix core ;) :D)
Thanks alot all of you, but i am stuck right now. I don't have my own mac at home and i can't get to a mac unless i go to my school. IT's obvious that since Apple makes the ipod, there will be more software for macs than windows, and that holds with most companies. But can anyone try to find one?? You seem like you know what to get right. Thanks
I foudn videora after i made my previous post, but i have an error with it. I have posted on the video forum about it and i will see what i can do.