Getting webcam to work


Mac OS X 10.4.8 - iBook G4

I have purchased a Logitech QuickCam Deluxe for use with my iBook. I downloaded the 'macam' driver as advised from the Ecamm website. Do I also have to purchase the iChatUSBCam software to enable it to work? I only want to use my webcam with Skype or Yahoo Messenger. I can view a moving image on my own machine but there is never an activity light showing on the webcam and others can only see a black display box when I am online.
Hi Bob,

Tried the demo but still the same. Could it be that I don't have the macam download properly installed? Once I download the driver, what should I do with it? I expanded the dmg file and then put the icon (like a drive) in my Applications folder. Then I opened it and put the macam component in: HD/System/Library/Quicktime. I copied the webcam icon to my desktop. Do I leave the macam source folder where it is (in the macam drive)?

When I connect my camera, I double-click the webcam icon on the desktop and a window opens and detects my camera. When I click the 'play' button, I can see a moving image of myself but there is no activity light showing on the camera. I presume this is why others cannot see it.

Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
If the camera is showing you, then it's working.
Any Firewall or Router involved?
I'm not sure whether there is a firewall or not. Our ISP is an independent locally run one with a satellite link to its subscribers. Would they have a firewall installed? I have a wireless router in my home.
Your wireless router has a built in Firewall. Go to the setup page and you need to forward whatever ports are needed for Skype, or any program you will be using with it, to the internal IP of your machine.
Thanks, Bob, for your advice. I'm afraid I have very little knowledge of how to do what you suggest. The person who installed our Broadband connection set up my router and my Mac just picked it up without anything needing to be done.

Would you be able to give me a step-by-step guide as to how to go about this process?

Thanks in anticipation,
Go to This Page

Select your router model and click Downloads for this product. Download the User Guide. It should have port forwarding instructions in there.
The guide seems to point you to go to a webpage: but it is asking for a name and password before it will load and I don't know what should go in there. This would appear to be the area which has an advanced tab for forwarding.

Any ideas?
User name: admim
Password: password

I had the black image from my cam on Skype the otherday and a simple relaunch of Skype amended it. So whether it's just a bug in Skype or something, give it another go, you'll be able to see the cam in the video tab of Skype's preferences.
Thanks, Sirstaunch. Unfortunately, the name and password is not on the page itself but must be one set up by my ISP to gain entry into this page. I am going to contact them to see if they can do anything.

It isn't just on Skype that this problem is happening. It also does it on Yahoo Messenger.
That's not a page for your ISP, it's the router setup page (
When you load that page you should get a dialog box to enter the name and password, and as Sisstaunch said, the default user name and password is 'Admin' and 'password'.
Try leaving the User name field blank and typing 'admin' in the password box. (lower case letters).
Yes, but the page won't load in the first place without a name and password. I've tried the one used for installing software on my own computer and tried every variation of admin and password to no avail.
Read the manual. The one I downloaded says leave the user name field blank and type 'admin' in the password field.