Ghost Recon: Who's played it?


Barking at the moon.
Man this game is fun! Someone told me to get it for my xbox (I'm not a big gamer) and I just happened to find a demo of it for Mac! It's freaking tough but it's really fun .. I'm wondering has anyone purchased it and what do you think of it?
One of the greatest tactical games I've ever played. I bought it for the Mac about a week ago. I played on the PC a while back. Very realistic and VERY fun multiplayer. Played co-op with 5 people at a LAN party. I HIGHLY recommend it. You have to use a lot of tactical skills to get those guys. Well worth the money. :D
Yeah I just went over to my folks for Thanksgiving and my little brother has the game for his PC .. it's tight! If I can scrounge up $50 ...
I've been having a ton of fun with the demo so far. I still play both Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear a ton, and this one seems just as fun.

The funny thing is that my system is below the listed system requirements, but it still seems to play fine. I was able to kill 30 of the enemy in firefight (in the elite level) in just under 28 minutes.

I had played the demo versions of both Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear for quite a while before actually getting the games, so I'll most likely be waiting a few months before I can justify $50. This should keep me entertained in the mean time. :D
I played the Mac demo and own the game for my PeeCee. It run's so much better on my PeeCee. So does MOH.

My PeeCee has a GF3 MX and my Mac has a GF4 Ti. Go figure.
got it on the xbox... I only buy like 1-2 games per year. This one rules. Great to play with 2 people too.
Yeah man, this game is great but it's performance is dreadful on the Mac. Almost unplayable. Seems like all the ports by Aspyr have this problem. I have this game for Mac and PC, on the PC it averages like 70-80 FPS. On my Mac OS X box it averages like 25-35 FPS. I used identical resolutions etc. The funny thing is my my Mac has more memory and a better video card. My Pc has a GF3 MX, my Mac has a GF3 Ti.
Medal of Honor has this same issue but not as severe.