gigabit ethernet

Considering that you can transmit ADSL quite perfectly over a USB cable.

ADSL normall transfer rate is 512k per second (roughly transferring 55kb per sec), USB is 400Mbits per sec, easily allowing for ADSL speeds.

Gigabyte Ethernet is fantastic for networks, such as connecting your machine to another machine/server which houses work files etc. (Gigabyte ethernet is particularly good for those who use large video, audio or image files across a network.)

It will have absolutely no affect on your download/upload speed on DSL.

Gigabit ethernet is usually used for local networks. Schools and businesses sometimes have these high-speed interfaces, and it makes sense for them to have it since they need to transfer files (sometimes large ones) as fast as possible.

With your setup, the bottleneck will be your DSL upload/download speed cap. It is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY below the speed of Gigabit ethernet, and thus you don't need a gigabit Ethernet card.
Note that if you want to get gigabit speeds on your local network, you will need a gigabit hub or switch and you will need to have gigabit interfaces in the rest of the machines. If not, your transfers will only be as fast as the slowest interface between you and the machine you are accessing.

If you do spend the cash to get a gigabit hub or switch and the other computer(s) have gigabit interfaces in them, the speed will be fantastic.