Gmail POP/IMAP client/Gmail in

Doesn't seem to be working for me. Set POP up for it, and keep getting errors trying to connect.
the excitement was shortlived for me too! seems that gmail pop is currently available only to a limited number of users. they're 'phasing' it in. :s
It works BEAUTIFULLY. :) I've written a bit about it on - - ...

I've got two Gmail accounts, one of them got POP3-enabled today. I'm glad that I don't need a 'way around' any more, and I'm sure I'd actually _love_ IMAP instead of POP3, because that'd give me a way to delete messages from the server occasionally without loggin' in to Gmail's webmail. But even so: It's great...
just to let you guys know. you can now use Mail w/ gmail. login to gmail, go to settings, then click on the 'forwarding and pop' tab. follow the directions from there :cool: ;)
gcount is a great app. its not pop but it only uses like 500k of ram and lets you know when you have new mail.

I wanted to add that you can set gcount as your default mail app and then when you click on any email link in any app it will open your default browser to your gmail compose. its a very simple but very handy little app to have and the best part is its free. not a big fan of the mail app myself.
rdennison: read before posting. we covered that already. ;) ... gcount, of course, is great if you do _not_ use pop. if you do, however, there's not much need for it anymore, as will tell you when mail arrives.