Greetings UNIX folk! I've been told (by a couple people now) that I need to use wget when downloading stuff off the net. I've been lead to this site but I'm still not sure exactly what this software does nor do I know how to set it up.
Would someone mind filling me in on this thing? I'm quite interested as I've never really used the UNIX part of OS X .. but I'm a total newb so talk to me like a 6-year-old.
I appreciate your help, in advance. I know the last thing most of you want to do is explain to a newb how to use the Terminal.
By the way, I'm using OS 10.3 if that makes any difference.
Would someone mind filling me in on this thing? I'm quite interested as I've never really used the UNIX part of OS X .. but I'm a total newb so talk to me like a 6-year-old.
I appreciate your help, in advance. I know the last thing most of you want to do is explain to a newb how to use the Terminal.
By the way, I'm using OS 10.3 if that makes any difference.