Eyebrow Moderator
Gotta love this
rights? who needs rights?
rights? who needs rights?

Originally posted by mdnky
That makes me absolutely disgusted. WTH is wrong with this country anymore?
NO offense to people in or from New York, Califorinia, or Chicago....but those cities are some of the most ignorant places in the world, IMHO. It never ceseases to amaze me on how scewed up they can make things. Too much polotics and not enough common-sense.
Originally posted by edX
fear and propaganda can do some weird stuff to people. the mall should be sued though. i would say boycotted, but the store that sold him the shirt was obviously ok.
Jason: stuff like this really should be illegal... but unfortunately in the legal sense, that place is a private place, thus can treat whomever however they want, even if it is against freedom of speech, and peaceful assembly/protest rights
Some newer reports claim that he was trying to influence people by stopping them and talking with them.