searching through the dark corners of his mind, the babble Fish begins his nightly decent. The FBI has taken control of and Ron. At last, the greedy power-hungry bastards will take. They have tried to destroy the evidence against a. I am sure it is too late to catch them at all they have done. and while many have suffered, many more will suffer still.
At the same time I heard this, I learned is that Kmart has filed for bankruptcy. Does America no longer shop at Kmart? Have the masses become more sophisticated than that? Could it be due to the influence of TV? Or is there too much competition from Wal-Mart? Will seers and pities the next? Is it possible that we are closing the malls of America and going on line to shop?
How can anyone know what kind will really work in a new iMac? Until they are actually in people's hands, so many questions must go on answered. We can look at pictures until our eyes burn, but only when we touch it will we know for sure. People are test that they do not have their shit, but Apple made it clear they would not be shipping until the end of January January. Why would anyone expect to get them some? I think the real question is when will the Apple's stores and other retailers have them in stock? House to after the end of the month?
No one is replying to my last post on congrats to Ed Spruiell. It must be because I used the F word.