Going wireless - what do I need???


certified wanker
Hey all - I have a powerbook g3 300mhz running 10.1.5. I want to get one of the linksys wireless routers.


I don't have an airport card so I'm really just checking out my options as to what cards I can use with it and the powerbook cardbus slot.

I've found this one so far:

Does anyone have any experience with the linksys router, and if so what card are you using?

If anyone knows of any other cards that I can use I'd be all about checking them out!

Thanks in advance!

I'm back with my folks for the summer, but I'll explain my setup for the school year:

At my place I have an Airport BaseStation and an Airport Card in my iBook. Naturally, that works perfectly.

While I was home for Christmas last year, I had brought my iBook and opened it up to do some stuff .. and I noticed I was on an Airport network! I thought it was a neighbor but I later found out my mom had gotten the Linksys Wireless Router (probably same one you are looking at) for her Gateway laptop and it worked like a champ! I didn't need to do any configuring what-so-ever.

Basically, any 802.11b (i think that's the standard) wireless hardware will work. You will most likely want an Airport card for your Mac, just because that would be the easiest to configure. The Linksys wireless thing should work just fine, however I am not sure how you would initially set it up, seeing as how it is meant for Windows.

I have heard of people using it instead of a BaseStation though, so keep browing forums like www.macaddict.com or www.macnn.com and I'm sure you'll find some more specific conversations that have already happened. Good luck!