GoLive 6 Beta overview

Me. And about all of the people using it. :) GoLive's in beta, where's Dreamweaver? ;) ... 'announced'?

And of course everybody wants Photoshop.
Dreamweaver is at this point nothing but vaporware (it was announced soooooooooooooooo long ago, and shown at an expo). Where is it now? Not to be found. Macromedia may hurt themselves unless they hurry the heck up! Seems like all the web devolopment people I know use macs, and a lot of them say that when photoshop comes out they are off to X with or without DW, and they will use the web authoring suites that is out for X (even if they have to use Photoshop with GoLive (my preference) rather than Photoshop with Dreamweaver (their preference)).

Man, seems like the whole world is just waiting for photoshop.
I know that I'll have to wait for DreamWeaver, but it is my choosen tool for web authoring. IMHO the codes that it generates is far better than GoLive's
so its nice to see the php support, but it may just be the users settings, but I hope if they are going to do php they bring in color coding like in BBEdit (one of the best features in UltraDev is true bbedit integration) also the review didn't say anything about mysql, if they do those two things and cleaned up the code, I still probably won't use it because it is adobe and adobe is a very poor business partner for apple!
Ive used this beta and it is far from as exciting as the fiinal is promised to be. it is merely a carbon port of Golive 5 with from what ive found to be about 10 (max) enhancements. Nothing as cool as the promised "spring loaded" pallettes and such. I am definitely excited for the final but this beta is blah.

Lets here it for the final though eh!
The biggest problem with Golive is that it makes lots of proprietary (or call junk) codes in the HTML document which makes the page very 'inefficient'

If Golive 6 still suffers this problem I would rather have Dreamweaver running under Classic forever than having Golive 6. DW 4 actually is running pretty well under Classic....
Yea! it is only a little slow in classic, but it works very well. As I already said, Dreamweaver's code is lighter than GoLive's code. Form me is a better tool to design pages...
i actually like Golive over Dreamweaver.

I guess I'm just wierd!
I think I just prefer to use ADOBE applications..
Don't let them put you down!

I hate Macromedia's UI, hence I do not use Macromedia products if i can help it. Therefore, roll on GoLive etc.
