Reason2 announced for OSX!
sithious no longer a member Mar 14, 2002 #5 ... now let's hope emagic get their fingers out ... otherwise i'll end up upgrading to cubase sx instead of logic 5
... now let's hope emagic get their fingers out ... otherwise i'll end up upgrading to cubase sx instead of logic 5
M mindbend Registered Mar 14, 2002 #7 Anyone know if the Tascam US-428 wil be supported in Cubase SX or any other X native product for that matter? I REALLY hate booting to 9 for this.
Anyone know if the Tascam US-428 wil be supported in Cubase SX or any other X native product for that matter? I REALLY hate booting to 9 for this.
lonny Fearless Thinker Mar 18, 2002 #8 I dunno... I am quite confident that once the big audio apps are out, drivers will roll out for X. I'll be happy!
I dunno... I am quite confident that once the big audio apps are out, drivers will roll out for X. I'll be happy!