Originally posted by ctaborda
Binary digit, well you're right with what you say, but once again, I need to make a desition mostly now..
I could wait maybe a month, or something, but lets say, a 1.6mac comes out, anyays a dual 2.6 - 2.8 ghz will be faster, or not?,
thats what I kind of worry about, becasue in January next year, hey its going to be like 7 months from now, I will be able to sell this one and get that one, or if I got the money to get the new 2.4 mac then i'll get it, I worry is about today, not 7 months...
I just worry like paying 3,000 dollars for a DUal power Mac (2gb of ram, dvd burner, 128meg video card, and the 120gb hd), and Paying the same 3,000 dollars for the dual xeon, 2gb of ram 40gb hd.
And well, maybe not knowing wich is going to be better, or faster..
if I get the Power Mac this year, I might still buy the new one for next year, the problem is that I haven't gotten into a Apple OS yet, and this would be that chance, so I don't know..
Other thing, most "design companies" are Apple based, or not?, so knowing the Apple OS will make it easier for jobs.