Good morning Baghdad! <-----

Originally posted by edX
at what point do you plan to join the fighting artie? :confused:

Hmmm, perhaps when YOU do? Or other left wing anti war nut I keep seeing on CNN and the local news?

I can tell you this. Ive never been in the military, But my uncle's were, my father, my grandfathers. they all fought for this country. USA. For Our freedom.

Had They and people like them chose to run the other way in previous wars, perhaps things would be different in the USA today? We would NOT be a free country.

Perhaps iraq and russia would be the superpower today?

Honestly, I cant say for sure if im for or against the war. I dont have all the facts. I dont know what the US govt knows. NONE of us do really! We ALL are only speculating.

I only know what the press tells us. Which isnt much.
Originally posted by PowermacG4_450

I dont have all the facts. I dont know what the US govt knows. NONE of us do really! We ALL are only speculating.

I only know what the press tells us. Which isnt much. [/B]

Well, why wouldn't the Govt tell us what they know? We know all the possibilities right? We know that the majority of the bio/chemical agents came from the US, ok, maybe not the majority but at least there is a huge paper trail between the US and Iraq proving where a bunch of the stuff came from.

Has Iraq invented some super bug that would create panic in the streets if it was revealed to us stupid morons?

Why won't the govt. reveal its proof? So far all we've gotten is some plagiarized paper from a few years back.

What is making you, powermac, think, you guys are free? Because you can make war whenever you want? Yeah, you are right, dude.
I think I have heard that there is a huge percentage of US people who are against the war. What about them? Why do they have to shut up? And you call your country free? Hmmmmm... strange point of view.

But at least you accept the point it's not right to judge on anything without knowing all details. The point that is making me be so much against US idea of solving things between them and Iraq is, that the US government was not able to convince the neutral UN!!!!

And one thing about AppMan: poor way to clarify your position. You should be considered as the next president! ;) (kidding with a touch of sarcasm)
Originally posted by Zammy-Sam
What is making you, powermac, think, you guys are free? Because you can make war whenever you want? Yeah, you are right, dude.
Probably the fact that we can openly insult people in power and not be killed for it.
hmmm... but when you do it on t-shirts as we have seen in other threads you could get kicked out of a store or school.
and you can't swear in public tv or show nipples (whyyy?).
American artists are always happy when being interviewed in sweden cuz they know that they can say and show anything without getting the annoying beep-sound or fuzzy picture. :)
What are you afraid of?
Originally posted by Decado
hmmm... but when you do it on t-shirts as we have seen in other threads you could get kicked out of a store or school.
and you can't swear in public tv or show nipples (whyyy?).
American artists are always happy when being interviewed in sweden cuz they know that they can say and show anything without getting the annoying beep-sound or fuzzy picture. :)
What are you afraid of?
Modesty has its value.
LOL. You can't even lect them properly. Call that a free country ? ;)

More seriously, USA obviously are a free country. A free country with several democratic failures: this President you have was elected by a very thin majority (if majority at all), and now he is acting as if his whole people was backing him on the war.

Artie Evans: Perhaps iraq and russia would be the superpower today?

Could you please give the comparatibility criterii between Iraq and USSR (as you obviously meant USSR by 'Russia') ? I think grouping those two countries in one sentence is an extremely difficult argument to have, esp. when talking of 'superpower' policies. I'll be around :)
MDLarson writes:
"Modesty has its value."

Very true :)
Larson, thats from swedish Larsson. Meaning 'son of Lars' (Lars is a name)
I read this test, by the way, where ordinary americans (yeah i know that when the testmakers are to pick ordinary people they always pick goofballs) were to point on a world map where they thought iraq was situated. four out of five were wrong. 3 out of five pointed at a totally wrong part of the world (like africa).
I have to confess i couldnt point out a third of the states of america right, but at least i dont support my primeminister of bombing ohio, par exemple :)

For more interesting stats about level of education, see the OECD PISA studies.
26% of American schoolboys aged 15 can't locate their own country on a map.
27% of German schoolboys cannot either.
Originally posted by toast
A free country with several democratic failures: this President you have was elected by a very thin majority (if majority at all), and now he is acting as if his whole people was backing him on the war.
Well, you listed one democratic "failure" (just being persnickity) ;)

But also, I'd rather see a strong president vs. one who is constantly tip toeing around because of a vote count 3 or 4 years ago. I have the same opinion of former president Clinton, somebody who (I believe) shouldn't have been in office, but I respected his position just the same.
Yeah, somewhere after the social revolution of the 60s it was decided that rote memorization was a bad thing. Now, I personally think that the American Educ. system at its absolute best is the best in the world but when it comes to anything outside our country's borders, forget it. We don't know beans.

I consider myself pretty aware of the world but compared to the majority of you who are from outside N. America, I'm pretty ignorant. I just learned 5 years ago (i'm 40) that Singapore is a city state.

Uhhh, Toast, how did the French do? :)
Flawed elections and monist behavior count as two for me :)

But you are right, I should have written "one major democratic failure" and should have also added "in my opinion" at the end.

I have strictly no opinion whether Bill Clinton was legitimate or not. Anyway, even if he wasn't this would not make Bush a legitimate President.
I have nothing against america, as i know that you are not one single organism but actually a people with a lot of different opinions :)

It just pisses me of when the rest of the world want to decide on an enviromental plan to reduce pollution and the USA, who pollute the most, says no, out of economical preassure from its larger industries. that sort of thing makes me question and be a persnickity (?) about all the other decisions your government make. i like the environment. peace :)
It's sad to see such disregard for the environment from GW. It will be even more sad if he pushes through legislation to open up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.

Alternative energy is the pathway to the future. Your neighbor to the south, Decado has made amazing strides in wind power and sea power. Doesn't Denmark now generate something like 30%+ of its electricity from alternative sources? In Mecklenburg-Vorpormmern 20% of electricity is generated by wind mills. Nortex, is one of the few bright spots in Germany's non-automobile manufacturing sector right now. Their windmills are being exported around the world. Good for them.

The newer models don't harm birds, can't be set on fire, don't pollute the environment, and all though we can tilt at windmills and make them tilt by blowing them up, I can't imagine that terrorists would ever be attracted to them. Of course they are not a complete solution, but certainly a part of it.
Yes! denmark is great in that respect!
And all this is too important to let moneymaking companies decide on what path the development of ways to use natural power-sources should take. They are too conservative. But it's kool with these new cars that run partially on gas and only use oil to get started. My father got one. I mean the nations could come together and decide that no car without gasengine would be allowed to be manufactured and that would be great for the environment and the prices would really drop cuz the gas is just a rest-product from the garbage-industries and will never suffer shortage, and its clean as spring compared to oil. but nooo.
We have big tax-paying oil-companies who dont want us to do that.
So for now thare are not that many gas-stations (with gas) and that makes it more expensive and the parts you need to build the cars is more expensive since there is no massproduction etc. Goodnight, its 1.27 in the morning :)
Originally posted by toast
For more interesting stats about level of education, see the OECD PISA studies.
26% of American schoolboys aged 15 can't locate their own country on a map.
27% of German schoolboys cannot either.

i wouldn't read too much into this. i saw something about this posted on the bulletin board at my post office and then quizzed my 13 yo son about it. after correctly identifying the US, i told him why i had asked. he laughed and told me that lots of them purposely give wrong answers when administered survey tests or any test that doesn't count towards their grade. it's sort of the cool way of saying how much you hate being tested.

not to say education couldn't be improved, but measures like that are not valid.