Got a new printer..


Hi all...
I went into a local apple store here in marin county the other day and they had a HP 1220cxi printer for only 200 bucks, so I got it :p
I haven't had time to set it up yet, but I'd be happy to hear from anyone who has any experience with that printer. It's 1-2 years old (got it new in unopend box) but I hope it'll be up to scratch. I've alway wanted a A3+ printer so I could print my own posters. :D
Any feedback on HP priters would be welcome aswell,

thanks a bunch

I have the HP 932c....they both use the same engine (infact, the entire 900, 1000, 1100, 1200 and 1300 series of printers are the same...except for speed).

Great printer! Gives nice 2400x1200dpi....too bad the latest HP drivers suck. I just use Gimp print drivers and they work fine. :->

One suggestion....when you print in black and white....use monochrome, or it'll use a little colour when it prints black (save your cartridges!). And ofcourse....if you put it on draft mode, you'll save half your ink, getting the same output.

Mine is connected to usb to my G4, and parrallel to my router, so my bro can print from his for us....
What do you mean by the latest drivers sucking? Are you referring to the 2.1 series drivers?
Infact, if your printer does not use postscript, you should remain at the 2.0f driver.
2.0f driver at

Gimp Print is great, but using the printer to it's fullest potential can best be achived by it's native driver.

Monochrome would be "Black and white" in "Grayscale".
However, "Black and white" with "Colour" does give you a better looking result.