Got Jag?

Aled, you should've tried one of the resellers, they would've probably shipped it earlier;)

Anyway, I must congratulate Apple for a great upgrade... though maybe the hype was a bit over the top, but I am very happy with it (especially all the new desktop settings like changing the font sizes, file information, justification etc. cooool!)
Clean install will wipe your drive, normal will update or superimpose itself on your existing system drive.

As for the 2nd CD... you better kepp that, it contains all the applications that come with Jaguar;)

May I just note, that the options Apple made available for the upgrade/install are just fan-jaguar-tastic!!!! (move the old system folder to a new backup folder etc... shweet!!!):D
Clean install will wipe your drive, normal will update or superimpose itself on your existing system drive.

are you sure about this? clean install with os 9 simply put a new system folder on your drive next to the old one and hence you had a choice of versions.
I think that is what Clean instal does also, but the installer tells you the specifics, no point asking us :)
Very happy with Jaguar. Was a very smooth install and the new features are incredible. I have barely scratched the surface. I am happy with the speed improvements, especially on my iBook, which is quite a bit faster now.
I'm pretty happy with the upgrade as well. :) Rendezvous is great; it set up my network for me, and I thought that was shweet. :D

I have yet to see how well it does with my Epson. I am, however, failry confident I can get rid of OS 9 now. The speed was about a 20% increase for me.


forgot what else I was going to say. :p
Who has upgraded and installed over 10.1? I did a clean install and it was great. But at work i'm thinking of just updating 10.1 to 10.2. I have a lot of configurations i don't want to re-do. I'm wondering if it worked well for others and how long it took.

Instead of wiping everything, I tried the upgrade option, and it worked flawlessly. I was prepared to do a wipe/install if all did not go well, but as it turns out... there was no need.

Photoshop, office x, Dreamweaver all seem to work still. My only noticable problem so far is that that I cannot install the photoshop update for some reason... It bombs out and tells me to make sure that my directory name is Adobe Photoshop 7. It is... go figure. Maybe if I eventually do reinstall everything, that will work, but since photoshop works for the things I need it to, I don't think I am going to bother just yet.

I am not sure how long a fresh install takes but the upgrade did take about an hour or so on my tibook 550. But considering that I don't have to reinstall everything else I guess its a fair trade.

I have yet to try running Xdarwin yet, but all my native osx apps seem to work just fine.
It was a good Appleday today! I've got back "my" ipod from reparation (total new iPod, the old model (10gb), refubbished one, software 1.2, ... Totally neeeeww!!!), bought Mac OS 10.2, tooo expensive in Europe: 163.0€ (same as $) But it's worth it's price! Only one negative thing till now, and that's the slowness of startinguptime of apps... Buh. ('t was faster in 10.1).

And of course: i ate 2 apples today!

After upgrading to 10.2, I noticed a few wonky things happening, mainly VirtualPC 5.0.5 not quitting properly. I backed up my dirve to my iPod20, erased, and did a clean install. All is well, and went faster than I expected, other than there is no Classic OS in 10.2, which I really need until Quark releases XPress that is X ready...
So I broke down and bought it.. I said I would not because I am saving for my move to Philly, but I just could not resist. My verdict!!!! LOVE

I love it. I love iChat, I love address book, and that is all I have been playing with right now. But it is fastÉ The finder is greatÉ. Not everything is perfect, but I am so glad I put out my $130!!!

I got my copy yesterday, and I'm very happy with it.
I found it faster than the previous version, and more easy to use. I love Mail, the Address Book and the new networking features that makes conection with Windows easier than ever.
I only have to say: congratulations, Apple. YOu work very well.