Zammy-Sam Desertchild May 7, 2004 #22 I think you regret, Randman. You were so close to get a new iPod..
Randman HA! HA! HA! May 8, 2004 #23 Already have a 40, but I'll say now, for the record, that I'll gladly take any apple product off of someone's hands, if someone has serious reservations about said product. ::angel::
Already have a 40, but I'll say now, for the record, that I'll gladly take any apple product off of someone's hands, if someone has serious reservations about said product. ::angel::
Randman HA! HA! HA! May 8, 2004 #25 A 40. A 40. A 40-GB iPod. Can't forget the "a", it's pretty important.
Timmargh Wheelchair hoodlum May 8, 2004 #27 It's a start ...
soulseek It's set to groove May 9, 2004 #30 ill buy hes iPod for 70% its selling price if he doesnt want it