Got my new iBook


Got my new iBook G4. Ordered it from Macmall, but got delayed so I decided to splurge, and spend the money on sales tax and buy it at the local Apple Store. I needed it for my upcoming trip. Actually, that was the excuse for my childlike impatience.

Anyway, pretty sweet. The outside is just like the G3 iBooks, but the keyboard and like are a bit gray. Works for me. The battery doesn't sit flush with the bottom exactly. I've heard of this problem on other Apple lappies. Doesn't make it wobble, so I don't really care too much. Doesn't run too hot. The cool part, at least last week, if you buy AppleCare at the same time as the iBook, free Airport extreme card. They sold me.

I have to say, the absolute highlight was actually the registering of Panther. Only Apple puts so much thought into how they present their products. I couldn't believe that they had a Royksopp song, the title escapes me, playing softly while I filled out my info. Absolutely brilliant. Well worth the $1299 in my opinion. I'll try and post some pics soon. Please let me know if you want any other specific details.

Wow :) Congrats on the new Mac.

The new G4s have a really pleasant touch where your hands touch it (keyboard and around it) compared to the 800/900 G3s. Different from the 700s but feels nice. Enjoy your Mac ;)
sjb2016 said:
I couldn't believe that they had a Royksopp song, the title escapes me, playing softly while I filled out my info.
Title is Eple, it's Norwegian for Apple.

Congrats on your new iBook
I just got a new iBook as well. I feel much improvement over the prior versions. The keyboard feels better, and the system runs smooth. I have not tried the battery life yet.
Can one of you rip the thing apart to see the model number of the processor? :P
Nah... Congrats on your new iBooks! I hope I'll save some money from now on to May 2004, when I'll probably buy a 15" PowerBook. I hope they'll have the (hardware) bugs fixed by then. ;-)
Heh, I just got a new iBook as well. And heck no, I'm not gonna rip it apart to look at the processor. :p

Battery life seems pretty good. I watched an entire DVD (was about 2 hours) and then played with it for another hour before the battery completely lost its charge. Not too bad.
Sounds good, Darkshadow... So, is it just the better PowerBook, really? Sure, you can't have a SuperDrive in it. But if you would choose the Combo drive, anyway, does the processor speed hurt that much? If battery life is better and it doesn't get as hot as the PB12", I'd choose a 12" iBook G4 over a 12" PowerBook G4 anytime, I guess... But I want the 15", anyway for the screen resolution.
I quite like the screen. Some complain about it only being 1024x768, but the monitor on my old desktop was a 15" Studio Dispaly running at 1024x768 and I loved it, as I love this 14" screen.

The G4 is pretty good. It's noticebly faster than my G4 533 tower I just got rid of. I guess that's to be expected.

Heh, most machines are noticeably faster in Panther than in previous systems. Except, perhaps, OS 9.
Explanation for the "huh?": Panther is faster than Jaguar is faster than Puma is faster than Cheetah. But Sonata (OS 9) gives the instant-feeling of the past for many tasks like menu-opening, window resizing etc. However, Sonata has strange 'lag' in many operations, too, which Classic-Lovers seem to ignore when saying that "9 was faster". But that's completely off-topic.
The powerbook is a great product. Two of my friends have them, and in both cases it is their only computer. I have a Powermac 1ghz, 17 inch flat. I felt the PB would duplicate what I already had. I chose the iBook for the portablity, and a decent price for the product. If I had only one system, the iBook is probably not a great choice. For my purpose, the iBook fit. I mainly use it to write reports for work, keep ical appointments, and browse the net. For video editing, etc, I use the Powermac.
Hi Guys all this talk of new ibooks makes me excited to get mine (currently use G3 466mhz) anyway whats the best and easiest way to transfer the old data to the new 1Ghz ibook ?

Randman what do you think about the Nokia 6600 ?
Save it to a disk (burn it) or if you have an iPod, drag your files on there, then put them on the new iBook. Moreover, if you have the both of them, just simply drag the information from one to the other. Use Target mode.
Got my new iBook
congrats on the ibook,

Lackawanna, i live out in O.P. :D i had a few friends who lived out in the lackawanna S. Buffalo area back in high school though :)