Gradually slowing imac



I've inherited a RevA original iMAC and have tried to make this usable for my kids. I've put in extra memory (160Mb) and moved all the applications onto a usb hard drive to allow me to squeeze 10.3.9 onto the original drive, still leaving ~ 700MB spare. Most applications run well enough that even if it is not sparkling, it is OK for web browsing, word processing etc.

However, though the machine starts OK, after some minutes, it becomes less and less responsive - no matter what is running - even just the finder. Basically everything starts to slow down. Also, I cannot get activity monitor to run. Restarting the finder helps, but the problem tends to recur. Any ideas what might be causing this and what I can do about it?


What Mac OS X does is create swap files if it gets low on memory, 700Mb does seem a little low, the more you run programs (and more at the same time) the machine may slow down. Might want to upgrade your hard drive/memory. A good rule I have seen in forums is there should be 15% - 25% hard drive space free.
Are we talking about a iMac G3 here? The CRT one you can see through?

If so, how much total RAM does it have in it?

I don't know much about these iMacs, however i know OS X needs at least 256MB to even run at a reasonable rate.
yep - the original imac - and yes I know it is deficient in ram and disc space, however, it slows down, even when nothing is running apart from the finder which is the really odd part...I ran 10.1 on it for some time and didn't see this behavior.