Graphic creation software



Just looking for some free software that I can use to create simple graphics for use on a blog or otherwise.

I was literally just thinking that I wanted to create some large text in some fancy font against a colored background to use as an icon or header for a blog or something.

Are there any free software tools for Mac (or maybe there are some ON my mac already that I don't know about) that I can use to do this?

I haven't looked at GIMP for a while, but I suspect it will be overkill for what I want to accomplish.

Tips appreciated!

- Harvey
This release called GIMP on OS X should run on your Mac without requiring anything other than X11. Just make sure you download the right one for your version of OS X.

There's also another application called Seashore, which is pretty much a simplified port of GIMP to the Cocoa framework.
Did you try GraphicConverter ? Its first purpose is to manage pictures, but it can also be used as a simple tool. It is a shareware of great quality.
Thanks for the tips guys, I'm going to try them all.

Never heard of Seashore, but got it up and running in seconds.

I have graphic converter but I didn't know it could do things other than manipulate pictures, great thanks!

I'll give Gimp a go as well.