Graphics card question

Paul C

Right guys, I have a standard 16mb ATi in my Powermac and I'm thinkin about upgrading it, if I got a 64mb Radeon 9000 what benefits would I notice? I do the below with my mac:

1. Surf the net
2. use iMovie for digi camcorder stuff
3. Use iPhoto
4. Watch a bit of DVD & Video Clips

Thanks in advance.
it depends on the base system. what was your mac before the upgrades. is it a pci or agp, 100mhz, or 133mhz bus, g3 or g4? but you will notice a difference in the video. it will be a little quicker on the redraw. you'll be able to goto higher res screens. but unless you play games, you may not notice much else.
my only thought is if you were able to afford such a nice cpu upgrade, why go for a weak vid upgrade. even if your mac is pci video, ati does make a pci mac vid card with 128mb. just a thought.
None of those tasks require anything more than a 9000 pro, if even a 9000 pro. Only games and 3d apps need high end cards to run. However, for future os upgrades, you should get a card with at least 128 mb of memory, or a higher clock speed or more pipelines. Still, it is not neccessary but if i was going to get a new video card, i wouldn't go cheap.
My machine was a AGP G4 400 Sawtooth, my priorities were a processor (as quick as I could afford) and some RAM but not a graphics card as I don't play games, I'm buying some Soundsticks and maybe a .mac account this month cos I'm broke with Christmas so I'll leave the graphics card till next month.

Cheers guys.