Gray Menus in 10.1.3


Ever since upgrading to 10.1.3, the Finder has been acting buggy. Occasionally I get greyed out menus. This happens both in the Finder, and in open Applications. Eventually the Finder restarts.

This happening to anyone else?

Originally posted by vidiot1701

This happening to anyone else?

Does it?

Does it ever:....
PS, how do get a picture to appear in the body text? like you have?


  • error.jpg
    55 KB · Views: 31
Try making a new user account - admin. And move yourself over to it over a week or so. Then delete your old one.

Or Optimise with Xoptimize from Then restart.

I saw these menus when 10.1.3 was optimizing on download on my PB. I had to force restart to get out. But it's all fine now so toes crossed!

Not seen any bad things on the 500DP yet - but only had it for a day!
Thanks, I'll try the Xoptimize suggestion. Of course since the problem is intermittent, I won't know if it works right away.

Alex, as far as your picture question, you have to host the jpg on a server, like an iDisk. Then when you are creating a post, in the vB Code section, click on the IMG button. Put in the server address in the pop up window. Voila.