Great anti-windows pro-mac article

Wnowak1 I too am a new user to the Mac scene. Hesitant to reply yet compelled into admission. While surfing a few month ago I succumb to a nasty spy ware tool from Midaddle. Removing this particular spy-ware proved to be slightly time consuming. Yet, in my view the final convincing act was the marketing push with Service Pack II and it’s benefits. Once installed on one of the office machines I began having trouble. Later, conflicts began when updating the Microsoft Dynamics accounting software I was then advised the accounting software would not run on SP II. This was a Microsoft product that had trouble running on their XP service pack update. My next goal will be switching the office.

What changed my mind? I awkwardly admit I was a dedicated windows person that shrugged off the Mac comments for many years. I looked up to a brother-in-law who had a great mind for business and a Mac desire for many years. We arrived at or agreed on many conclusions until the subject turned to Apple. I now must guiltily admit he was correct and I wrong in views of Apple. After being called a traitor by a business friend I searched for reasons why he would say such a thing. Later it actually began to felt good. I can honestly say I’m late yet I have gained something. As Fryke stated “a solution” many (w)indows people do not realize exists.

One point Fryke brought up I quickly dismissed until writing this. I had grown so accustomed to the virus scans, defrags, security issues, and re-formats until; ultimately it was part of the process. Regrets? Time lost on windows and not accomplishing the switch quicker in time.
Thanks for listening!
michaelk, more and more friends are impressed by my mac. I think proprietary software keeps people from making the switch is one factor. Take the real estate business as an example. Software like PC Access For Windows which allows real estate agents to look up listings is not written for any other OS. The other factor I would say is lack of knowledge about OS X. I.e. its networking and file compatability. I just hope that apple continues its pace with quality and features.
wnowak1 said:
Software like PC Access For Windows which allows real estate agents to look up listings is not written for any other OS.
Is that as in Microsoft Access, the database program?