GRR. Web Sharing still doesn't work.


Unofficial Mac Genius
Can someone help me? I'm still unable to use Web Sharing.

I turn on Web Sharing in the Sharing preference pane in Mac OS X, and then drop files in my Sites folder. Then I go to http://myIP/~simmy/ , but it says I'm still denied permission.

How do I fix this? It was working back around 10.1.0, but it broke around 10.1.2 and it seems it's still not working with 10.1.4.

All it says is access is forbidden (403 error), but when I go to simply http://myIP/ , the Apache web notification pops up saying that Apache is running and it allows me to see the Apache manual.
I think there is no index.html in your Sites folder. Default page of Mac OS X's apache web server's is index.html
Nope, that wasn't the problem. It was a permissions problem (a guy at helped me).

I knew that the Sites folder needs to have 755 permissions, but I didn't realize that my HOME folder needed those permissions as well. It was a stupid oversight, but once I put 755 permissions on my home folder and restricted access to all of my folders inside there, Web Sharing is working perfectly. :)
Enter this in the terminal (replacing 'username' with your user name), then hit enter.

chmod 755 -R /Users/username/Sites

Alternately, you could use a GUI tool like BatChmod:

Or Get Info on your Sites folder and make sure the Ownership & Permissions are as follows:
Owner: Read & Write
Group: Read only
Others: Read only
Then click on the "Apply to enclosed items..." button.