Half Life 2:mac?


According to anonymous sources it is likely that we see a Mac OS X version of Half Life 2 during 2004. I could not really verify these sources as you guess, so we can only hope it's truth while not fergetting it's just rumors.

The full report is here.
As I have followed the production of half life 2, I know this game is going to be sweet! So I'd sign the petition, but it's useless and its wording is flawed. "many mac users have pc's we'd love to get rid of?" Not me, and why would a company want to port a game knowing that "many" of us already have pc's to play it on? The one and only thing that would get them to make that game is how big the mac gaming market is. Apple still needs to do more to promote gaming, make it easier on developers, etc. Though many macs out there are fast, robust, etc, most can't even handle games like HL2. Most of the macs that can are sitting in studios, not homes.

If someone offered you a dollar to mow a lawn, but the guy next door was going to pay you $10 for the same thing, would you do it?
I'd mow them both and make an extra dollar, since I don't have anything better to do. Unfortunately, software companies don't have that luxury because they have to pay their programmers extra for cross-platform games.

The reason Sierra stopped porting Half-life is because they looked at the sales of Caesar III on the Mac and saw that it didn't do very well. They figured this would translate into Half-life as well. They didn't look at the sales of C3 on the PC, where it probably wasn't very good either; they didn't look at the sales of similar games like Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 Arena, which have done tremendously well. They basically jumped to a very weird and unpopular conclusion, and killed the port job in the process.

I still hate them for it.
Originally posted by arden
they looked at the sales of Caesar III on the Mac and saw that it didn't do very well.

sales of similar games like Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 Arena have done tremendously well.

I still hate them for it.

true dat
Originally posted by macosXrumors
According to anonymous sources it is likely that we see a Mac OS X version of Half Life 2 during 2004.
If there is a God, please let this be true. I've seen a high rez version of the movie of this game and it is 100% revolutionary. It is by far the biggest step gaming has taken in 5 years. It is the beginning of the next generation of gaming, and I absolutely must play this game. If you have seen the movie of this game in action, you haven't seen isht. I also heard that the game will be different every single time you play it. The A.I. is advanced enough to learn and predict your moves, and behaves differently according to your play style. I will buy a hardcore gaming PC just for this game if it doesn't come to Mac - yeah my wife will be real happy about that.
Seriously though, this game will make history like Zelda. :D
For G5 only, of course...

Will it still be scripted? That was one thing about the original, if you played the single player game enough you learned exactly what was going to happen.

I liked how it was unpredictable, especially in the beginning. There's nothing like a cabinet falling on top of you or a laser cutting you in half to keep you on your toes.

Got any links, habilis?
Crap. Yeah I had all the links to the movies in a thread in OSX Games but my thread got pruned. I'll have to work on it because you gotta see this game in action to appreciate it.
Another reason was that Valve didn't want to pay for keeping the product up to date whenever a new version was released on the PC side since mac and pc networking was not technically feasible at the time for what it would have cost. HL 2's engine doesn't have this issue, so the only thing stopping a port this time around would be political rather than technical issues. Personally I'm ready to get a PC for this game and the first Half-Life at the very least as there are still many folks who play HL:TFC.
Well, I'll be sure to check it out and see what they're doing with it. Do you think it could pass the Turing test?

BTW, pruned how?
threads that don't get a reply within a certain designated ammount of time, say 4 weeks or whatever, get pruned. Like mine did.
just go to fileplanet...you have to sign up and wait to to download but it's worth it....i just downloaded the video over night last night but haven't been able to watch it yet...
just watched the vid *jaw hits the floor* i want n i think i might need that game for sustainability...

good thing it's coming to xbox too so if i can't get it for my mac then taadaa i still can play it
I have a Fileplanet/Gamespy account (free account, as I don't pay for much (but that's not to say I download stuff instead, because I don't)), but it won't let me log in (IE 5.1/OS 9.2.2/all cookies enabled). It just refreshes whatever page I'm on every time I click a link because the links seem to be linked to themselves. I may even bother to email them a missive.
Originally posted by Greystroke
[good thing it's coming to xbox
an xbox comes nowhere near competing with the ATI Radeon 9800. Nowhere. You're gonna be playin a scaled down, low-rez, chop box of a game. No offense to the xbox itself, it's had some good games but I'd rather buy a 300-dollar eMachine and beef it up with a 128MB Radeon card to play this unbelievable polygon and texture crunching monster of a game.

Yes this is true. Xbox is the most powerful console ever, but it's already 2 years old. :/ Just look at the upcoming HaloPC. The resolution will be huge compared to the xbox version, and all of the visual effects beat the old version as well. PC's will always have the edge because of the ability to upgrade.