Half-Life Dedicated Server



I know there's something called "hlds" (Half-Life Dedicated Server) which can be downloaded from various sites, this is a freeware application by Valve for all Linux users.

Now I wonder, since it's distrobuted as a i386+ binary (?), It cant be run in OSX.

but, If you had the sourcecode for HLds, could you compile it for OSX and get it to run with a G3/G4 processor?
Granis i dont mean to be unhelpful or negative BUT stuff valve and the pc users, why should we serve a game for them that they dont even bother releasing for mac users...Stuff em'!:mad:
Well, I have my own server, running on OS X.

And I _also_ bought a new computer, a pc, for gaming....

lets face it, You cant play on Mac, their are way to expensive too
Hmm, you give up too easily. Don't just go with the rest of them and go PC. Stick up for the Mac, and maybe we'd get more games than are coming now. Besides, all of the good ones are coming.
Yes, the good games are coming, but I'm not rich :-(

That's why I bought my PC...It's cheap and does the job.