

Is there a Halflife for the mac?
I really would enjoy playing that game on my laptop, even CS everyonce and a while, and really don't feel like going out and getting VPC for my laptop.
This is one of the great and on-running complaints of mac users about games. As i remember a port was in the works in the early days but Valve abandoned it. Also, VPC is very very unlikely to allow either HL or CS to play at any decent speed.
If you want a CS like experience you could try TacOps, its a very similar game but based on Unreal Tournament.
If you don't have UT, its pretty easy to pick up cheaply, and you can get the mod from http://tactical-ops.de/ .

Have fun
But Half-Life can't be running that slow. Half-Life isn't the stupid game known as CS. It is a very fun FPS that came out in 1998 right after Unreal. The requirements for half-life are like 233mhz or maybe even 166mhz with 16mb of RAM. I forget exactly, I dont have the box anymore. But if you have a fast mac, and a newer copy of VPC, Id say youd be able to enjoy the game Half-Life.
drunkmac said:
But if you have a fast mac, and a newer copy of VPC, Id say youd be able to enjoy the game Half-Life.
VPC 6.1.1 on a dual G4 1.42Ghz (fastest combination possible) with 2GB mem: unplayable.
I think one of the big reasons is because VPC doesn't accelerate graphics. Once they do, I think we'll be able to play a lot of old Windows games, and Half-life might even be a possibility.

When that day will happen is anybody's guess, and since MS bought over the company that did VPC, this is looking even more remote.
Viro said:
Valve must have lost a lot of money by not doing a port. Their loss.
And even bigger loss would be dealing with tech support calls if they do a lousy port and it doesn't work right or doesn't feel the same as the PC version.

Keep in mind that porting to another platform, while does bring in more sales, also opens more opportunities for tech support nightmares.
I've never called up a game company for tech support. In fact, I've never called anyone for tech support for any game. I don't know anyone who has either and I know a lot of gamers.

AFAIK, Half-life had a Direct3D and OpenGL renderer and so it would not have been too difficult to port the game engine to other architectures, especially Macs.

It would have brought them more sales, it would have cost them very little if the code was portable in the first place, a little more if it wasn't. The demand clearly is there, so they definitely lost a lot pf potential sales.
Then again, it's an OLD game, and there's not much need to discuss now, whether that company has lost or won money by not porting it to the Mac. Heck: I don't want them porting it _now_...
Well, it would be nice if they ported it. It is a very good game, and even today I still like Half-life. It had pretty decent graphics, really immersive storyline and it just brings back all those memories of high school :)
I guess I should have said "testing and QA" more so than tech support calls. But it's the overall support in a nutshell that becomes expensive.

Linux users have been playing HL for a while apparently. I don't recall if there was a native Linux client, or everyone was just using WineX.
I remember someone saying that there was some problem in the way that it was coded that it would have been really hard to port to Mac. Although they did port it to the dreamcast, but they never put it on the shelf. I downloaded it just to see if it really existed.

I had CS 1.5 running on my RedHat partition a while ago using an old version of WineX, it was alright, not the greatest FPS for a 4 year old game. I coulnd't get steam to work with it but maybe with the newer versions of winex there might be support.
I believe it was the network code that made HL difficult to port, I vaguely recall reading it as such somewhere long time ago.
i don't think they would spend money porting _now_...it's way old.

HL, CS, and the like are all great games, but it looks like it's staying on windows.

i would like to see them instead working on Halo 2 for osx, so they can release it together... unlikely tho