"They all claim also that Halo is gloriously smooth on the X-Box, but when I tried it out at Game (God help me, my fingers were painful for HOURS after using that lump of plastic they call a "controller"...), I got major slowdowns in the first two levels."
i experience slowdowns on one level, but that is just for a splitsecond on the same spot everytime (one would think the beta-testers would have noticed that).
what i meant with smooth is not the frame-rate, but the transition from running around to jumping into a car or aircraft. it is no slowdown in getting used to the vehicle. it's just one smooth motion from running to driving.
Do you mean the first BIG controllers? just seen them at shops. they stoped including them since the experience using them was too close to that of wrestling big plastic pigs.
I don't own an X-box but I have many friends that do and I like the game. A little off of the subject, one of my friends is a windows loving mac hating xbox fantatic. I found it a little ironic that is own Xbox magizine said that the next Xbox would run on a G5 proceser.
i thought it felt a lot longer than halo. strange. took med two days to finnish on heroic. did halo 1 a lot faster. i agree that the ending came as a surprise
i liked the fact that there never was any loading between levels. they masked them somehow with cut-scenes. sometimes it was hard to tell if it was a new level or just one gigantic
by the way, did anyone else notice the Myst-feeling on Delta Halo and Regret? The music was nearly a rip off (in a good way) and the whole elevator under water between islands thing
Halo 2 was very cool, the levels were much more interesting than what we had in Halo and I loved dual-wielding weapons .
I still find that it was too short, and the ending could have been better. I was so totally ready to kick some covenant butt, then the credits rolled .
Hm, I heard something like 'Halo 2 and 3 were developed as one game, and then split in two'. Like Tarantino did with Kill Bill. Maybe that explains the rapid ending
Let's hope you're right Damrod.
I'm hoping for another version of Halo on the XBOX before microsoft release their next system. Most people think that Halo3 will be on MS's next system.
On another note i quite liked Halo 2's ending. It definatley left me wanting more.