I keep reading posts on other boards about how their handwriting looks like grafitti due to the time they spend on their palms (more recent example on maccentral.com, the article about the NC school system to give palms to its students...dumb but anyway)
I just love to tell em that my handwriting, however slopy it might look at times, looks like MY handwriting since I use a newton and it undestands my handwriting ... lol no assimilating grafitti
Originally posted by AdmiralAK on the other hand .. if you worked on the graffiti team... and they used you handwritting for the glyphs you ARE the trend setter
you could probably countersue asking for dibs on the profits made from the original graffiti (sold seperatelly as software for the newton) and you can ask for a % of the profits from each palm already sold and sold in the future...after all it would be your handwriting
Maybe if I had copywritten my handwriting in the early-mid 90's anticipating such a glorious windfall.
But, alas... such is not the case.
Some opportunities come, some opportunities go...
In the meantime, I may have to move along with my life.
There is an idea here, though...
What if we could copyright the method that our thoughts use to make chaotic patterns, so that when the next "big thing" comes along, where people can just "think" to thier pda devices, we'll be there to harvest the rewards?!?
even then... do you think that our brain patterns will become as messy as our handwriting has?