Happy birthday! too me!


A never ending cycle...
Today I turn 17... how fun! I can't drink yet... but thats ok... I still had the best birthday anyone could ever ask for.

Thats my good news for now... catch you on the flip side!


Glad it was a good one. Hope you're still celebrating thru the weekend:)
An 800Mhz Dell with WinXP! What more could you ask for?;)

Ok, yes, maybe an iMac.

So what did you get?

Happy B-Day!
I got golf clubs from my parents. Thats about it... all my other relatives will give me some kind of money.

I wont tell you what I got from my girlfriend though.:D
We'll just have to guess then...


A laser?

Cause that would be cool.

I know, I'm wrong.

Happy belated bday.

-the valrus
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
I wont tell you what I got from my girlfriend though.:D

please don't tell us. (or I will have to start talking :) ) I know what you got anyway.... I saw it in your eyes when I came over :)
I wont... I said I wouldnt and I wont. I hope you saw it... thats why I was glad you guys took a half and hour to come over. We will have to do something like that again soon.

Not what your thinking! Even though that would be nice. I mean going out to dinner. This time though... try not to piss off YOUR girlfriend. That was a damper on my b-day celebration.
when was your bda? why did u not include the date? or am just missing something, anyway, happy bday, or happy blated bday.

Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
We will have to do something like that again soon.
Not what your thinking! Even though that would be nice. I mean going out to dinner.

yeah! so I can get yelled at again. Everytime the 4 of us are together... I get crapped on.

Vic... his B-Day was on May 1st.
OK NOW THIS is the Happy B-Day to Nummi thread :) My birthday is on May 18th. I was just wondering what you guys think I should get from my parents? First I asked for just money... then I changed my mind and asked for the LiveMotion2/GoLive 6.0 bundle. Then I changed my mind again... I want a new HD because there is only 100 megs left on my OS X partition. What do you think guys ?
Originally posted by Nummi_G4

yeah! so I can get yelled at again. Everytime the 4 of us are together... I get crapped on.

Vic... his B-Day was on May 1st.

I wont tell you what you did wrong... because you need to play along. The arguement started out as a joke... I think because you didnt play she got angry. You need to loosen up. But that just me.

I thought I made it very clear... sorry vic... but the post was on May 1st... and didnt I say "today" was my birthday. Ohhh well... all is fine now.

Jerry!! You get Cedar Point for your birthday... but from your parents, just ask for money. Then you can get whatever you want.
I am not playing their girly games.

If I get just money... I will get something like $50. A good sized HD costs at least $150.