Happy Birthday You!


Happy one hundred and eleventh birthday you guys/gals:

stizz , zippygaloo, erdunbar, pentiumKill, GrandHighOne , ogryzek, raxa, HybridTheory, Nonsanity, bookem , sparky , asd5, nkuvu , millerp, fhoubi, Freestyler, spiral, Sotl, Morn The Lorian, macman, roti , vegan, HaK9, AmicusE , livejive, Colin , chneeb, yakatu, MacUser2Go , Scooby Dooby Do, macssuck , cloudsuper, kpttripp, maxxcalifornia , makus, Scube, HireForLess, macintodd50, sharkskinsuit, Kap, wicky , Kathy, blackout000, snuflupukis, SC0TLANDF0REVER, adas , cthompso , Hyper, tu2 , Graphite, ptripp, mrgoods, veghead, DrMac, xxx , perloc, C-Fu , danielbaars, Sergio, dgendreau, Ehrm, dr_myslihiiri, irojas , Cuzzo , sawtelle, oasis, Akari , nzdrmac, sarre, ohboy20 , nofue, nemesis x, andaluz , matwyn.

Hope you enjoyed your last days on earth! Mwahahahaha! y2k3!!!
Uh?? :p i saw only these:

Today's Birthdays: stizz , zippygaloo (61), erdunbar (32), pentiumKill (38), GrandHighOne , ogryzek (29), raxa (27), HybridTheory (22), Nonsanity (32), bookem , sparky , asd5 (4), nkuvu , millerp (42), fhoubi (1), Freestyler (32), spiral (26), Sotl (22), Morn The Lorian (3), macman (30), roti , vegan (91), HaK9 (31), AmicusE , livejive (27), Colin , chneeb (24), yakatu (21), MacUser2Go , Scooby Dooby Do (32), macssuck , cloudsuper (17), kpttripp (46), maxxcalifornia , makus (30), Scube (32), HireForLess (36), macintodd50 (32), sharkskinsuit (14), Kap (22), wicky , Kathy (22), blackout000 (32), snuflupukis (22), SC0TLANDF0REVER (32), adas (32), cthompso , Hyper (31), tu2 (28), Graphite (22), ptripp (35), mrgoods (91), veghead (32), DrMac (32), xxx , perloc (64), C-Fu , danielbaars (31), Sergio (33), dgendreau (22), Ehrm (32), dr_myslihiiri (32), irojas , Cuzzo , sawtelle (52), oasis (3), Akari , nzdrmac (32), sarre (22), ohboy20 , nofue (43), nemesis x (32), andaluz , matwyn (34)
Something makes be think not all of those are born on 1. january :p
But happy birthday to those who are :)