Hard Disk Enclosure Problem



My old mac G4 died because of a defective power unit. Rather than replace that, and having a new Mac Pro, I bought a hard disk enclosure to access the data from my old drive. However I get an error message on my Mac Pro, "this disk is unreadable by this computer".

The Mac Pro does "see" the disk in the disk utility program and someone told me that the ols disk was in Classic and the new Intel mac is not. So, if this is true, does anyone know a work a 'round to access the old drive?

I found a thread regarding Windows PCs where they re-partitioned the enclosed drive and were able to access the data. Will this work on a Mac? Does partitioning a drive erase the data?

And lastly someone suggested that what I need is a disk driver installed on the Mac Pro which will operate the old drive.

Any information will be appreciated.

All the best,

Bill Baty
Connect the drive and then if you can mount that drive open /Applications/Utilities/disk Utility and see if you can Repair that disk or "Repair Permissions" on that drive. This might help, Good Luck.