Hard drive advice



I'm working on a G4/400 with 762MB of RAM, currently running OS 9.2. I'm a graphic designer, running most of the Adobe products, and so I've held off making the transition to OSX, waiting for more OSX compatible versions of my software to arrive. With Photoshop 7.0 coming out soon, I'm planning on finally trying to make the switch to OSX. I only have a 10GB harddrive, which is fairly full, so I'm planning on buying an extra drive to load OSX on. I'm wondering if I can get some advice on what kind of harddrive I should get (internal vs. external, firewire? IDE?). I'm not sure what's the best configuration, and I'm not sure if you can have an external firewire drive boot with OSX. Also if any of you have had good luck with a particular brand of drive, that would be useful to know too. Any advice?


Kent Bingham
80 Gigs
IDE (ATA 133)(I'm using IBM drives only. They are great!)
ATA 133 PCI Card

Have fun!:p
Thanks for adding that last "update" part. That will be very helpful in determining what to get. I appreciate the help.

as the owner of a 10 gb internal, a 40 and 80gb external firewire drives - my one point to add is that an 80 gb drive can be a pain when it comes to searching, maintaining, repairing, etc. If you get more than about 55 gb worth of files and apps it can get very sluggish for these things. I recommend sticking with 40 gb drives, 60 at best. In the long run i think you would be happier if you actuall need that much space.

and while i don't know the particulars of your model, there isn't much difference for me in normal operations between my 5400 and my 7200. but i am not a graphics professional and this might make a big difference in large graphic rendering processes.