Hard drive crash - Help


Recently my hard drive crashed on my Ibook. Apple Japan replaced it, but I lost all my data, passwords, and files. The cost was yen 50,000 about $600. I asked them for the old drive and they requested Yen 90,000 about $1000 for it; they said they recycle them. The total would then be $1600, which seems exorbitant to put a new HD and get the old one back.
While the 1 year warrenty was just expired by 2 weeks, I was out of the country for 50% of the time, so in effect the hard drive was only used for 8 months. I wanted to get the reason for the crash, details of the reasons, and the old hard drive returned.
Does anyone know who I can contact in the USA Apple to solve this issue as Apple Japan don't want to cooperate? The Japan side are claiming it is Apple policy not to return the HD and that this policy is on their website, this was not discussed at the time of repair.
Contact Apple's headquarters directly. They may have a solution.

Alternatively, ask Apple Japan for the data on the hard drive, in CD, DVD, Zip, DAT, or other format. They may be more willing to provide you with this, and then they can recycle the precious drive.
Something we have to remember: ask for all the data on the failed drive. They do have the capability to do this.
If it means anything here is my thought on the situation, I could see some reason for recycling or the service centre hanging onto your drive if it were in warranty, credit from Apple, re-imbursment etc. Seeing its not and it is out of warranty as you stated my two cents would be you own that drive and unless there's some other reason then them recycling the drive I think the decision should be yours as to what happens to the drive.

Last I had a HD replaced in a PB/Notebook the service centre asked me if I wanted the drive or should dispose of it.
You'll have to check the laws govening this type of situation in Japan, I would think they are the same as in the US. In the US, you would own the drive and Apple would have to return it to you and they could not charge you for doing this.