Hard Drive Crash?


Since the reorganization of the forums here, I no longer know where I should post this - so if the moderators or admin feel there is a better place for it, please feel free to move it.

The Magical, Disapearing Reapearing Hard Drive...

Something happened to my secondary physical drive and it disapeared from OSX, I went to OS9 and ran System Works to see what happened.

System Works at first did a few repairs but failed with an error loading the disk driver (?). So I went back to OSX and suddenly the drive showed up - but with no contents.

I was loaned a copy of Drive X and it seemed to do a few more fixes and keeps reporting the drive is OK, it mounts in OSX... But no data!???

So back again to OS9 - still no drive there... I go to System Works and no drive there either... hmmm... I tell System Works to search for missing drives and it comes up - without a volume name. I try to mount it from SW but no go (is there a way to manually mount drives in OS9?)... So I try to fix it - but it keeps failing when trying to "loading disk drivers"...

Anyone have a clue as to what I can do at this point other than reinitializing the drive?
(me thinks I should just trash that drive completly as it's not the first time it's given me problems).
Try "Update Driver" or something similar to that from Disk First Aid in OS 9... I think it's there in the menus somewhere. It sounds like your disk driver became corrupted or nonexistant, and updating the disk driver will put the driver back on the drive without reinitializing it.
I found Update Disk Driver in Initialize Drive (Prepare disk? I forget - just woke up! :p ), but it wouldn't let me update it, Update Driver was disabled for the drive. Either because the drive is not mounted, or it does not display a name/partition...

I swear I should just toss the drive - it's given me so many problems and lost so much data because of it - I should just contact Maxtor and see if they can replace it?
Have you tried just running Regular Ol' Disk First Aid on the drive? That may fix it.

If not, there may be some type of physical damage to the drive and you'll have to see if you can trade it in for a new one.
See if you can buy, borrow or steal a copy of DiskWarrior. It has saved a lot of folks when all other repair utilities failed.
dricci, that was the first thing I tried, but no dice.

I've heard of Disk Warrior - and TechTool Pro but I have not been able to get my hands on them.

I am convinced there is something wrong with the drive like dricci suggests, it's not the first time I've lost data on that drive! I'll get on the phone with Maxtor and see what they can do.
