I removed the 20 GB HDD and installed the original HDD and ejected the stuck disk after it started on the original HDD. I then installed the 20 GB HDD again and used another disk to start. Right away it recognized the HDD and went through the the proceedure for loading the OS, except I think I also loaded a phantom OS ( ? ) which it goes to first ,then goes to the real OS (happy Mac) and then proceeds to start up. The phantom is just momentary (5 sec ), and does not affect system performance that I can detect. I decided to ignore the phantom. The computer, which is going to a friend as a freebie said ,"send the computer", so now it's gone, and I know a little more about Macs . I have 13 more to learn on, 3 iMacs and 10 Beige PowerMac G3s to be exact. All will get larger HDDs , more memory and batteries. Thanks for the help.