Hardrive Swap and Panther install

Neal Colingham

I have a G4 733 with a 60 gig (Panther 10.3.2) installed and a 80 gig drive with lot's of video and iTunes folder. I just ordered a 200 gig drive to substitute for the 60 gig, I want Panther on the 80 gig and the 200 will be the repository for the video and music.
I had some senarios so I could do this in steps.
1.remove the 60 (boot drive) install the 200 and restart from a CD
2.carbon Copy the 80 to 200 then shutdown.
3.remove the 200 and reinstall the 60 then carbon copy the 60 to the 80.
4.This should have replicated my Panther install to the 80.
5.remove the 60 and reinstall the 200 then point Panther to the 80 as the boot drive.
Will this work ?
any other ideas ?, I don't want to fresh install if I can help it my machine is working fine.
That should work just fine... just don't forget to re-set your jumpers on the hard drives as needed -- that's a lot of swapping!
An awful lot of swapping and changing of jumpers.

I'd check out the inside of your computer. Can you had a third drive? Would you need an extra bracket? How about a new ribbon cable to accommodate three drives and you need a power cable.

Or.... you could put the new drive in an external case. Then just carbon copy the 80 to the 200 and keep the 80 for future use or as your temp holder.
Yeah, why not a) put the 200 in the second drive bay or b) get a Firewire enclosure for it? Why throw out more hard drive space than I have with my iMac?
All valid points, I want to replace the 60 which is the oldest drive of the 3
the 80 is a newer IBM Deskstar and the new 200 is a Seagate. I have 2 high school kids one of which is in to Video editing and we need the extra storage. I plan on putting the 60 in a Firewire inclosure so my son can use it at school with his iBook. I also am going to convert my HI-8 family movies to DVD so the space would be nice. Thanks for all the ideas.

Is the 80 internal or external? If it's internal, then swap it out, put the 200 in, CCC to that, then put the 80 in where the 60 was and CCC back. If it's external, you should probably make a small partition on the 200 (oh, 10 or so gigs) and run Panther off that, and CCC your system to that.
Arden, the 80 is internal but the project has just taken a right turn. I was notified on one of the other forums that my G4 is an ATA/66 which has a limit of 137 gig so to take advantage of the full 200 gig I need an ATA/133 card. I just ordered one from OWC and also a Firewire case. So know I can put the 60 in the case and boot from that then load Panther on the 80 and install the 200. Do you agree ?
Your 733 G4 does have the ATA/66, which will only support 128GB. The ATA/133 card from OWC is just what you need. Now you can put at least 4 hard drives inside. Your machine will support 2 drives. the ATA/133 card will support 2 drives, and the power cables for 4 drives should be in there somewhere hiding behind brackets.
Bobw, are you sure ?, I have been in that case a few times and I don't remember seeing anymore than the two power plugs on the ribbon cable
The hard drive power cable can be gently pulled out. The full length is coiled and out of sight.

At work I recently switched to a G4 (PowerPC AGP) because my B & W G3's monitor bit the dust. I ordered a flat panel and found a problem in using the flat panel on the B & W. I took the hard drive from the B & W, installed it in the G4 and almost had a fit when I looked at the power cable. Pulling it released the additional plugs.
Like Cheryl said, gently pull it out. In mine there are a total of 4, for hard drives, in addition to the power connectors for the DVD and Zip. There extras were behind brackets, unseen.