Hardware opinions wanted


Ok I am about to make the leap...i am currently running a iMacSE graphite and have decided to move up...I ask myself.....

Do I wait for the next generation iMacs (flat screen or whatever they may appear as)???

Do I go cube with15" flat panel display?

Do I go for the new G4 Titanium?????

Do I go g4 dual processor???

Ok Iknow you are all going to say..it depends on what apps i am using etc.


I do business apps (Excel, powerpoint, word, etc)

I spend a zillion hours on te net doing reasearch.....

So let me have those opinions......

Well first of all how much can you spend and second of all does mobility matter ????

to eliminate one of the candidates, no iMacs lol

since you don't appear to really have a pressing need to upgrade (iMac SE is still perfectly respectable for what you use it for) I'd wait until MWNY to see if anything interesting comes out there, then make a decision