Has anybody else noticed this?


I was messing around I found this cool feature in OS X. If you press command-shift-4 you can choose what part of the screen you want to take a picture of, but if you press the space bar after the cursor has turned into a crosshair the crosshair turns into a camera and highlights windows to take pictures of. I don't know exactly how to explain it, so check it out.
The best hidden feature here is if you press [command]-[shift]-4 and hold down [CONTROL] (ctrl) while taking your screenshot. Then you get the image saved in memory and can paste it wherever you wish...
Ha ha ha... now we have a bunch of lunatic OS X desktop photographers going around posting a pic of their desktops. :D
i knew that from way back to OS 9....(that good old time, don't worry, this time is much better!)

Whoah, cool!

Have you noticed this too - if you click on a partially hidden background window, it will take a picture of the window's area, but including anything that's blocking it off.

Hey, since when are the screen shots PDFs? It was TIFFs in 10.0/1 wasn't it?