Has anyone here written a book?


Has anyone here on MacOSX.com ever written a book?

I've been considering writing a short story, Steven King/Hannibal Lecter style, with some pretty sick, twisted, and gruesome actions along with a sophisticated story line. Just wondering what other people's experiences have been with writing.
I was the Technical Reviewer for a ZD Press book called How the World Wide Web Works. I was friends with one of the authors, Matt Fish.

But that was way back in 1996, and the book looks extremly quaint now.

D'uh... What is the 'Web'?

BTW, I got paid a flat fee for this work... So don't think I'm getting any $ by adding the link to Amazon. ;)
I have written a two-part Star Trek Voyager story once, but it wasn't a book, more like Fan-Fiction. :)
I am writing a script for my screen-writing class. In a previous class, I just had to come up with a 15 page treatment/summary. Now I have to turn it in to a full screenplay. I find I'm one of those people who has a real problem making an interesting storyline... but I can write excellent dialog, and have been complimented several times on how clever it is.

So far, it's coming along okay... but I don't know if my dialog is strong enough to make the whole story okay.
Well, if you follow your outline, you should be good to go (you did make an outline, right? Right??)

Hmm, chemistry, you didn't state whether or not you meant anyone with *published* books or just have written one.
Darkshadow said:
Well, if you follow your outline, you should be good to go (you did make an outline, right? Right??)

Hmm, chemistry, you didn't state whether or not you meant anyone with *published* books or just have written one.

I wanted to hear from people who have both published and unpublished works. I don't know if there is much money being an author of stories. I suppose it probably does not pay that well unless one becomes famous, like Steven King.
I once edited for a book on MacOSX, back in the *very* early days, but the publisher ended up going out of business and the project was canned, and I didn't get a cent out of it.

Aside from that, I like to write and have always dreamed of publishing a book. I mostly do sci-fi/fantasy drama, though I've also tried my hand at comedy, contemporary thriller and even a couple of fan-fictions.

A very helpful resource for me has been the writing course from "The Writers' School" which basically arrives in the form of a large box of books on various topics, including lots of useful references for historical and fantasy writing.

As for the financial side of it Chemistry_Geek, most writers don't earn much at all, but a few earn a LOT. Stephen King is worth $50M per year. JK Rowling made over $230M per year when Harry Potter was at its height and te movie rights were being traded. That said, I think you should only really write if you want to write something original that appeals to you and which you would be proud to publish.

Best of luck with your story, Chemistry Geek. It sounds most intriguing. I think I might read it some day over a side of farva beans and a nice chianti (licks lips and grins evilly at the perspex window, Hannibal Lecter style).