B bdr00 Registered Mar 9, 2002 #1 don't know if im been stupid...but i cant find the hash key (#) key on my ibook 2usb, uk edition... is there any shortcut or key command to get it... cheers, ben
don't know if im been stupid...but i cant find the hash key (#) key on my ibook 2usb, uk edition... is there any shortcut or key command to get it... cheers, ben
simX Unofficial Mac Genius Mar 10, 2002 #5 Just for reference, you can use the "Key Caps" utility to find symbols on the keyboard for all your fonts (it's in the Utilites folder of the Applications folder in OS X, and it should be in the Apple menu by default in OS 9).
Just for reference, you can use the "Key Caps" utility to find symbols on the keyboard for all your fonts (it's in the Utilites folder of the Applications folder in OS X, and it should be in the Apple menu by default in OS 9).