have idea..where to go?


is there a place to go to find Mac Geeks who like playing around with making programs and applications??

i just found a nifty (to my way of thinking) application which is called
pocket med..

it is a pretty simple application, but it was created for a PC, and not a Mac.

I would hope someone who knows Macs would perhaps assist in the development of the product, which may have more users than might be thought, in this digital age.

what the application does is create pocket planners..which can be created, and printed by users..to use daily..it seems so simple,but somehow it eludes me.

where would i go to find someone who may be interested in creating such a thing..or in helping the guy who thought of it..to make something Mac friendly..
you will have to do a google of the product, which is called Pocket Mod.

I tried it and it did not work for me..

if you did try it and were not just spouting off a reply..

please, if you would be so kind, tell me how to use it..

zip files are for windows, correct..?

please.. if you want to assist, i would be very grateful..
sometimes these groups , and people in them drive me nuts,because the people give a blythe answer when we would really appreciate some help.

many thanks
Zip files don't necessarily mean Windows. Zip is just a way of compressing files. Mac OS X supports zip files out of the box, so more and more Mac programs are being compressed with zip.

Download the file here: http://www.pocketmod.com/files/pocketmod_mac.zip and when it's done, open the zip file. It will uncompress and give you another folder named "app." Inside this folder, open the file named "pocketmod.hqx" and this will uncompress to create a file named "pocketmod" - that is the program you want (I think).
before you responded to my plea for help, i tried to open the zip file.. i found the app file, buti did not get as far as your instructions.(to the next steps).

Being rather non tech.. i did not dare do what you said..(before you told me to..)

and from the readme file, i did not discern to do what you recommended.(until you clarified things for me..)

i will go and try what you recommended.!!

thanks again..very much..

hope i did not sound rude or something.. i just get rather,um, well frustrated,because i am not too 'swift' on these types of things..
and usually need a bit more than just your basic'"go to.."instructions.

your steps were clear.. thank you

update.. second edit..it works!!!!thank you so much'

you have one very grateful and happy camper here..
thanks again..i could give you a big hug..!!