have this prob, I have Airport connected to Radio Antenna on my roof, it goes wireless to ISP, which runs on Linux an Unix, the problem is, when I type all that numbers in Network panel in Sys. prefs, Airport doesnt recognize ISP, so I have a connection.sh script, which I need to run from root in terminal, the question is:
1. how to make this script auto started at OS X startup
2. resolve this Network Sys. prefs and/or Airport behavior...
Dont know if its bug....
Many thanx
PS: no third party networking SW or cards or so, OS X 10.0.4, G4/400/448MB RAM
In OS 9.1 everything runs just fine...
1. how to make this script auto started at OS X startup
2. resolve this Network Sys. prefs and/or Airport behavior...
Dont know if its bug....
Many thanx
PS: no third party networking SW or cards or so, OS X 10.0.4, G4/400/448MB RAM
In OS 9.1 everything runs just fine...