Have WD 320GB drive it only reads 128GB


I have a Quicksilver 933 with 1.5GB ram and 2 internal hard drives (WD 320GB, Maxtor 80Gb). Operating system is 10.4.11, Boot ROM is 4.2.5f1. It's my understanding that some QS were produced with the ability to use larger hard drives. Mine does not and I am wondering what I can do to correct this. Computer sees and writes to both drives. The 80 is fully usable but 320 only allows 128 of storage. Disk utility sees whole drive as just under 300Gb but I can't use more than 128. I have ATA HiCap driver that will allow me to partition into sections but it's a pain. Is that my only option or buying a card? Thanks
Yep, your only option is to purchase an ATA IDE card with 48-bit LBA support (most ATA/133 cards will have this), or use the HiCap driver to allow your computer to "see" all 320GB.

A third option would be to throw that 320GB hard drive into an external USB or FireWire case (I recommend FireWire), and as long as that case has the Oxford 911 (for FireWire) chipset, you'll be able to use all 320GB however you please -- as one, big partition, or many smaller ones.