Having Strange Mac OS X Occurences


I have three main issues that have been occuring with my OS 10.1.3. After installing MAYA PLE, the OS crashed everytime I used the application. When doing so, my second monitor began to spew out text with black backgrounds, and my computer remained frozen. ( I have since removed Maya, but my computer seems to be running slower).

Secondly, as of late, several applications have been "Quitting unexpectedly". Specifically, IE, ICQ, Limewire and to a lesser extent Photoshop 6.0 and Illustrator 9.0.

Finally, often reminents of prior windows are left frozen on my screen, or stuck in other application windows. I have 640 MB of RAM and am using two seperate video cards for my two monitors (Nvidia and ATi radeon). Furthermore, as of late, when I have multiple application open, my computer seems to be running slower than usual, or refreshing slower and booting up slower than usual for that matter as well.

The OS crashing is my main concern, as I have been told that MAC OS X should not crash. Thanks in advance for any input. I am new to MAC OS so forgive me for my ignorance. I may need conformation for any complex replies.

Power PC G4 / 640 MB RAM / 40 GIG HD / Nevidia and ATI Radeon Graphics Card / MAC OS 10.1.3 / SAMSUNG 955DF Monitors
Thank you for the reply. I found no unusual ".kext" files in the extensions folder, that Maya may have placed there (Wouldn't they have been removed when I uninstalled the program?). Only ".kext" files that I noticed were ones relating to my video cards, only because you mentioned to be on the look-out ( I shouldn't have to worry about those should I?). I did not install any drivers, they were pre-installed. The ATI Radeon card was installed by my local dealership and the Nvidia card came factory from Apple.

I do have installed a beta version of Photoshop 6.0. After reviewing your message, this may be my concern. It often has odd behavior, specific to the program itself. By simply uninstalling ( or sending them to the trash) any potential software that may be causing my kernal panics, would I eliminate the problem, or would I have to re-install the OS anyway?

Another note. There is a Maya "uninstaller folder" that I cannot delete. It says that I do not have sufficient privilages. Anyway, I have managed to delete the file in OS 9, but this has occured to me before. Why is that, seeing as I am the System Administrator, why wouldn't I be able to delete what I deem neccessary?

Many thanks. Your input has been invaluable.
Maya 3.5 (on with the Personal Learning Edition is based) has a known incompatibility with the Nvidia GeForce2MX cards, which I suspect you may have, and (as far as I know) the 3.5.1 patch is available only to registered users of Maya 3.5 Complete.

The left-over files you report from the Maya installation are likely to be the license files. Maya complete uses an individual encrypted key (unique to your machines ethernet card ID) to run, which has to be installed as root (under the root user account). I suspect the PLE version does the same thing, but automates this root user license installation. The reason you cannot remove it is that you are not logged in as root (probably because you have not enabled the root account - Note: this does not mean that the root account is not functioning, and cannot have files added to it). I advise rebooting into OS9 and removing the files, rather than enabling the root account.

And finally, Apple have just released an updated driver that enhances support for multiple video cards. Check at versiontracker.com

Good luck.