Heat/Power PC/MAC Processors


Funky Member
Anyone know where I can find a comparison of PC and MAC Processors in terms of heat and power consumption? I remember reading an article awhile ago on this and compared those results with the human brain, I thought this was amusing, but I need these facts so I can cite them in a speech I'm doing. The most recent results would rock, thanks

I'm not entirely sure, but I think a P4 uses about 28 watts when in use, and like 20 idling. A G4 uses like 18 or so in use, and like 8 idling. I may be completely wrong though :)

All I'm sure about is that G4's use a lot less power and are much cooler than x86 chips.
Not sure how accurate the figures are at Geek.com, although they have a section there labeled ChipGeek with specs on quite a few processors, some complete, some not. Although it may serve your purpose.

You Guys ROCK! I couldn't find anything, but hey, I know what one of my citations will be now! you guys helped me out more that you think. Friday I'll live up to my end of the deal and convince people why Mac's are good :)

The 1 GHz G4 alone consumes about 21 watts while the
2.2 GHz P4 consumes whopping 66 watts....not kidding..
and it generates so much heat that u can fry some eggs on it...
free heat for sure :D :D