Hello everyone!

just spend smart:)

take for example my father, who, like many, do not spend wisely. my dad purchased himself a new house a few months ago. when going through a divorce you would think he would spend modestly. no. he went and got 10 acres in the country.

now for a man with so little money you would think he would move close to town for a few reasons

1. closer to son and sons life.
2. closer to work, comuting sucks! 30 minute drive to the EDGE of town.
3. he could have easly purchased a house at 1/3 the cost at the same sq. footage in town.
4. with the saved money he could live with cooler things like cable internet/tv, the magazine he loves (time), newspaper, cell phone(he had to cancel), the list goes on.

hmm ramble ramble about how i hate my parents blah blah blah ect.
Well, right here broadband costs about $50 a month. Not too bad, you might say. :)

Then you have to get a modem. You either rent it or buy it. Buy it costs about $145, rent it costs about $50 a month. Ouch.

Correct me if i'm wrong; I just overheard this conversation when my parents were considering broadband. Also some more info: I live in the San Jose area, and I would really like AT&T! :D
Over here Cable 'net is $45 a month for the cheapest and an extra $5 per month for the modem, but we bought the modem on eBay for about $80 altogether, and cable internet is GREAT
I better check AT&T. I'll post the prices I find on my blog, to conserve HD space here and to get more hits there. :D
DSL? Cable? I am going to kill you guys. I will wrap my extra USB cable around your necks! 56K SUCKS! The only site it is fast with is Yahoo. Every other site takes forever. And it takes me at least 15 min to download an MP3 file! This is BS.
I didnt come back to read a bunch of complaining. Shut up Jerry. We will never be able to afford anything better than what we have. Just add another $50 onto the cash you have to take out of our paychecks. Not in my lifetime. Maybe when I am old enough and own a house something better than cable and dsl will be out there and they will be dirt cheap. But then they will be obsolete. So shut up! Unless your folks are loaded you will never achieve anything better than 56K. End of story.

Actually Rick. We would get DSL, they just have not reached our house yet. Money is not the problem, geography is.
Ok. Pacific Bell DSL is out of the question. Bad deal. My parental control units refused it.

But they got a photo printer (hp photosmart 100) and a digital camera (slang: iCamera). A Nikon Colorpix 885. Good. :D
Originally posted by xoot
Ok. Pacific Bell DSL is out of the question. Bad deal. My parental control units refused it.

But they got a photo printer (hp photosmart 100) and a digital camera (slang: iCamera). A Nikon Colorpix 885. Good. :D

No DSL? That sucks. Nikon is a good brand. Good choise. But I think I would rather have the DSL. :) But I will have both someday.
I do not care about post count either. I am going to follow Racer X and join the macfora dudes. But I will still check out this forum.
I want to stay here. I do not really like macfora. The site is so damn slow. MY GOD IT IS SLOW! I like this forum a lot more. I just wish everyone would come back. Everyone just had to be able to swear didn't they. Son of a "B".
I kind of agree nummi. I always liked how these forums were, and they load sooooo much faster than macfora. but everyone left =(