hello mac forum virgin lost an dont know where to start!


I've just found this site in a search to find out if it's possible to wipe classic off my imac and just have osx. I'm a total novice and don't know where to look/start. you lot seem friendly enough;) , can any one point me in the right direction of a thread that'll help?
Welcome to our forum.

To remove Classic, just drag the OS 9 System Folder to the trash along with any Classic only applications.

PS: This belongs in the Classic forum.
Welcome here and hopefully you will stay here! ;)

Anyway, in order to remove everything Classic related do the following:
-Select "Applications (Mac OS 9)", "Desktop", "Documents" and "System Folder" folders
-Trash them
-Empty the Trash

Yes... It is THAT easy! :D

The attached picture shows you EXACTLY what folders you must select and trash :)


  • noclassic.jpg
    32.1 KB · Views: 20
Thanks guys. I already tried trashing it but it said it was controlled by root, so thanks Trip for that helpful link (It'll probably take me a month to work it out but I'll get there in the end!).
Also thanks for making me feel so welcome...I'm not really a frequenter of forums as I don't have internet access at work, and phonelines are a little unpredictable in this neck of the woods (the uk is pretty primitive compared to the us!), but thanks for everything and I'll maybe talk again soon.
Liz x
Totally off-topic, but what are you using to modify the icons with? Only way I've found is either an incredibly painful manual way, or buying some $30 app that doesn't yet work with Panther.
Hi Liz!

Welcome on board! I was just a few weeks in UK, and it's pretty advanced anyway, at least compared to many other countries in Europe! Anyway, what ever mac related you have that you want to know or resolve how to fix etc, I'm sure you find a bunch of helpful guys here. And it's nice to have more gals here too ;)