Help! CS3 crashing at launch...Font Explorer X installed


I have gotten myself into a bad situation!

I am on an Intel Mac Book Pro, running 10.4.11 and CS3. I downloaded Linotype Font Explorer X 1.2.3. I got that going, everything was running pretty smoothly.

Until I did a little reading, and was lead to believe it was a good idea to have Font Explorer manage everything, system fonts and all. Also to have it clean out font caches, and everything. Mistake. After that, Indesign crashed ... and will not launch at all! As well as Illustrator and Acrobat.

After all that I read to NEVER let Font Explorer manage or clean anything. I have tried reinstalling CS3 a few times, resetting permissions, etc. I am pretty much freaked out at this point. I don't want to have to clean install the OS.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Words of wisdom? All I wanted was for the fonts to load, and to do my work. And I have so much work to do!

Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope!
Actually fixed easier than uninstalling/reinstalling .... 1. First booted to safe boot mode [ Power down .. hit power button when your mac chimes hold the shift key, boot is a little longer since it turns off unnecessary boot up items, login to account this moves the font cache to the trash, reboot, login and empty the trash ] then 2.downloaded YASU Yet Another System Utility [ ] The problem stemmed from the system fonts and user fonts being duplicated and the font cache getting wonky . So ran the util and cleared the system, local and user cache and viola everything started playing nicely again.
thanks to /.shawn a mighty fine mac guru with a fine can to boot ...

(that's from my bf, don't you know)

_Thank you for your suggestion tho. I appreciate it!
