Help Disk Stuck


Hi... I am hoping someone can help me so I don't look like a total moron. I am borrowing a G4 powerbook from work, i tried to put a CD in it... not thinking that the disk being PC might be a problem. I can hear it spinning when I restart, but nothing happens, no icon, it doesnt eject. There is no eject button or one of those little holes you can stick a paper clip in to eject the disk in a pinch. No offense, but I really don't like Mac's :D ;)
No offense, but if you restart while holding down the mouse/trackpad button, the disk will eject itself.

Welcome to the board. Macs aren't bad. Just different. ;)
Also, I'm hoping it was a normal-sized CD you put in there... the PowerBook has a slot-loading drive, and slot-loading drives don't like non-standard-sized CDs, like credit card sized CDs and odd shaped CDs...

I have a friend whose young son decided to stick one of those business card CDs in a slot-loading iMac. It took us days to get it out without damaging the drive.